Business Region


Rådhusgata 18 - 2. etasje
4611 Kristiansand

/ Introduction to Texas style networking

We have the pleasure of inviting local businesses and start-ups to an inspiring morning seminar, when we get to learn more about TEXAS style networking from pitch-expert Rick Salmon.

Rick Salmon is an experienced technology entrepreneur, executive coach and professional facilitator. He has worked with corporate clients including Europe Unlimited, IBM, BP, ESPN, Disney, Scali, Norconsult and Hydro. He was one of the founders of Scala Inc. ( and of BlueSky Software (renamed and acquired by Adobe)and the CEO of Voiceable.

Rick is also originally from Texas USA and is passionate about the art of pitching your ideas. So if you want some inspiration, if you want to be challenged and want to be better for your company, join us this morning at CoWorx.

Innovasjon Norge, Agder fylkeskommune og Innoventus Sør.